Redleaf Research and Training Circle

Redleaf Research and Training Circle

At the Redleaf Center for Family Healing, we are committed to evaluating and sharing outcomes and best practices for multi-generational mental health and parenting support.  Our research is grounded in trauma-informed principles that prioritize safety, patient voice and choice, trustworthiness and transparency, and collaboration. We acknowledge the harm and traumatization of BIPOC communities that has occurred in the service of research in the United States and we actively strive to prioritize patient safety above all else. 



For Pregnant Individuals & Parents

Links to mental health, pregnancy and parenting resources

For Children

Links to children’s mental health and child development resources

Other Resources

Links to food, housing, and mind-body-spirit resources

For Professionals

Links to support professionals


Mother-Baby Day Hospital

Pregnant individuals and mothers receive mental health treatment 20 hours per week

Perinatal Outpatient Program (POP)

Pregnant individuals and mothers receive 4 1/2 hours of mental health treatment per week

Redleaf Outpatient Clinic

Outpatient mental health and parenting support, and integrative reproductive psychiatric care for individuals considering pregnancy, currently pregnant, or parenting a child ages 0-5 years.