Perinatal Mental Health
- Massachusetts General Hospital's Center for Women’s Mental Health
- Connect with other providers through the Postpartum Support International Provider Directory
- Black Mamas Matter
- Mother To Baby
- Evidence-based information on the safety of medications and other exposures during pregnancy and while breastfeeding
Children's Mental Health
Current and Historical Trauma/Adverse Experiences
- ACEs Too High
- A news site that reports on research about adverse childhood experience
- Historical Trauma: Context and Effects
- American Psychiatric Association
- Stress and Trauma Toolkit for Treating Historically Marginalized Populations
COVID-19 Resources
- Free Webinar from Dr. Anne Gearity – Helping Your Children Manage COVID-19 Realities
- Three-Part Series “Trauma and Resilience-Informed Telehealth” by Dr. Alicia Lieberman of UCSF
- Zero to Thrive Resources for Professionals – University of Michigan
- Zero to Three – Coronavirus Resources for Early Childhood Professionals
For Pregnant Individuals & Parents
Links to mental health, pregnancy and parenting resources
For Children
Links to children’s mental health and child development resources
Other Resources
Links to food, housing, and mind-body-spirit resources
For Professionals
Links to support professionals
Our staff will listen and guide you to the right support — either at the Mother-Baby HopeLine or in your community.
Mother-Baby Connections Group
Our staff will listen and guide you to the right support — either at the Mother-Baby HopeLine or in your community.
Mother-Baby Day Hospital
Pregnant individuals and mothers receive mental health treatment 20 hours per week
Perinatal Outpatient Program (POP)
Pregnant individuals and mothers receive 4 1/2 hours of mental health treatment per week
Redleaf Outpatient Clinic
Outpatient mental health and parenting support, and integrative reproductive psychiatric care for individuals considering pregnancy, currently pregnant, or parenting a child ages 0-5 years.